Karen Harrison

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Wednesday, Aug. 13th 2014

Reiki at the Dentist

Reiki at the Dentist

The dentist said I had one to two cavities so I scheduled the appointment.  If I had been worried about the appointment, I could have sent Reiki ahead by using the Distant symbol for the procedure to go smoothly. 

When they settled me in the room for the procedure, I noticed the energy felt staticy.  While I was alone in the room, I starting drawing the power symbol on the four walls, ceiling and floor to cleanse and charge the room.  Then when the dentist and her assistant arrived, I intended a Reiki symbol flow through their heads and down to their feet and back up to help each one be calm and centered.  I imagined a Reiki symbol flowing through my head down to my feet and back up.  You can imagine the symbol starting at the feet or the head.  On some people the symbol won’t seem to go in the head so I try the feet and it usually works.  Then I laid back in the chair and gave myself Reiki the entire time.  The procedure went well and I only had one cavity to fill.  I became so relaxed and high on Reiki that I had to ground myself before I could drive home.  And no, they didn’t give me any nitrous oxide! 

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