Karen Harrison

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Class Descriptions

Course Offerings: ~ Usui / Holy Fire III Reiki I & II ~ | ~ Usui / Holy Fire III Reiki Master ~  | ~ Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki Master ~ | ~ Kids & Teen Reiki Training ~  | ~ ICRT Animal Reiki I and II ~~ ICRT Animal Reiki Master ~ 

Are you thinking about taking a Reiki class or having a Reiki session but have questions? Maybe you just want to get a feel for who I am and see if we are a good match. Let’s chat – free for up to 15 minutes. Give me a call at 913-526-6556. 

I teach online on Zoom and in the following cities: Kansas City, St Louis, Dallas and Houston. See the calendar for information or look at the locations below.  All classes are the new Holy Fire® classes!

Usui / Holy Fire® III Reiki I & Reiki II – Beginning Class

Reiki I and II are taught together during a two day intensive in a loving, sacred way. You will receive placements (attunements) to the Reiki I and II energy, which allow you to access greater healing energy.

All the information and techniques are covered including:

  • What is Reiki?
  • How does it work?
  • The Holy Love experience that places Divine Love into your heart
  • The history of Reiki and the Reiki Ideals
  • The Reiki hand positions.
  • Giving a complete Reiki treatment for self and others.
  • Gassho meditation
  • Reiji-ho – using inner guidance to know how and where to treat
  • Byosen Scanning – detecting where Reiki is needed
  • Gyoshi ho – sending Reiki with the eyes
  • Koki ho – using the breath to send Reiki
  • Kenyoku – a method to cleanse one’s energy field
  • Dr. Hayashi Healing Guide for specific conditions
  • Using Reiki for pets, plants, food, crystals, and more.
  • The Reiki II symbols and how to use them with practice time.
  • Using Reiki to heal unwanted habits or create new, healthy ones.
  • Distant healing to send Reiki to family, friends, and world situations.
  • Protecting your energy field from negativity or picking up other’s energy
  • Intuitive methods of hand placement
  • Reiki for empaths and highly sensitive people
  • Placements (attunements) for Reiki I and II. Placements provide a higher frequency of healing energy and are given in a meditative experience.  Placements Explained – click here to download the handout. 


The class is a combination of lecture, discussion and experience. Practice time includes giving and receiving a complete Reiki treatment using all the hand positions, the self -treatment, practice using all the level II symbols including distant healing, and practice using all the Japanese Reiki Techniques mentioned above.

While practice takes place during the class, please set aside additional time to practice after the class is over. The suggested time could be a few hours a week for several weeks, or a smaller amount of time over a longer time frame, to practice Reiki with one, or more, people from your Reiki class or with members of your family or friends. This additional practice is necessary to gain the experience and confidence you need to fully utilize the Reiki training.

Prerequisite: none
Class Time: 9am to 6:30pm for 2 days
Location: Class is offered both online and in-person

Tuition: $545 for both days with an early registration discount of $35 with your deposit of $175.  The deposit is non-refundable but transferable twice up to two years, with the second transfer costing a $50 administrative fee.  Class manual, certificate, and a year’s subscription to Reiki News Magazine included. Review a class you have previously taken with Karen for $175.  

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Karen Harrison is a senior Licensed Reiki Master Teacher through the International Center for Reiki Training and all Reiki classes are taught according to ICRT standards.









ICRT Animal Reiki I & II

Receive this powerful new energy and training! On completion of this 2-day workshop, you will be able to offer Animal Reiki treatments to all species of animals. 

The Animal Reiki energy received in this course is its own energy and is a different energy source than human Reiki.  The Animal Reiki Course includes the Animal Reiki Placement, which gives the practitioner the ability to channel the Animal Reiki Energy as well as attune and unify the Animal Reiki energy with your existing Reiki energy and symbols. This course also includes practitioner skills, tools, and techniques. 

In this class, you will:

  • Receive Animal Reiki Placements for 1 & 2. 
  • Become a qualified Animal Reiki Practitioner. 
  • Receive a comprehensive Animal Reiki 1 & 2 Manual authored by Colleen Benelli, Sioux Strong, Robyn Benelli, and Pamela Allen-Leblanc.
  • Receive the Animal Reiki symbol.
  • Learn the 3 priorities of Animal Reiki. 
  • Be qualified to give in-person and distance Animal Reiki sessions.
  • Learn how to give Reiki to many different species of animals.
  • Learn session techniques, both in-person and distance.
  • Get experience working with animals in real-time on Zoom.
  • Learn basics of shelter and volunteer work as well as creating your own Animal Reiki business. 

Prerequisites: This class is open to all Reiki lineages and belief systems with animal relationship, but you must have completed level 2 Reiki to register. This course focuses specifically on treating animals with Reiki; therefore, you must already be attuned to Reiki and know the Reiki basics so we can focus on treating animals in this course. You must provide a certificate from a reputable course with some real-time interaction with the instructor in-person or through Zoom or the equivalent.

Class Time: 9am to 6pm Central time each day for 2 days. 

Location: Class is offered both online and in-person

Tuition: $545 for both days with an early registration discount of $35 with your deposit of $175.  The deposit is non-refundable but transferable twice up to two years, with the second transfer costing a $50 administrative fee. Fee includes a digital manual, certificate, and  year’s subscription to Reiki News Magazine.  Review a class you have previously taken with Karen for $175.  

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This class is for the Reiki practitioner who wants to strengthen his or her healing energy for use with self and others. At the end of this class, you will be able to teach Reiki I through Reiki Master if you choose. You will receive and learn Placements and Ignitions, which are a much simpler form of attunements. Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki provides purification, healing, empowerment, and guidance.

In this 3 day intensive, you will:

  • Receive the Empowered by the River of Peace Experience that heals deeply.
  • Receive the placement (attunement) for the Usui Master symbol. (see Placements Explained)
  • Receive 4 ignitions, which upgrade your Reiki energy and provide purification, healing, empowerment, and guidance and connect you directly to Source/God/Holy Spirit. 
  • Use crystals and learn how to make a Reiki grid to continuously send Reiki.
  • Learn how to do a moving meditation. 
  • Begin revealing your Authentic Self and healing your ego. 
  • Explore higher levels of consciousness from three through seven. 
  • Receive a Holy Love Experience. 
  • Practice using the Usui Master and Holy Fire symbols in treatments.
  • Learn how to give placements for Reiki I through the Master Practitioner level, the ignitions for Reiki Master, and all processes to be able to teach the class.
  • Learn how to give yourself placements and ignitions.
  • Learn a Holy Fire® Healing Experience to heal deeply for yourself and clients.
  • Learn how to release spirit attachments.
  • Learn tips on teaching and how to build a Reiki business if you choose.
  • Be empowered to be at peace and transmit powerful world peace energy! 
  • and more!

This class is a powerful healing experience! The new, updated manual includes several articles on using Reiki for one’s personal, and spiritual growth as well as ways to develop a Reiki practice. Because the new system of placements and ignitions are so simple, there is extra time to devote to giving and receiving Holy Fire healing sessions. Bring some issues you would like to have completely healed! A class manual is included that gives detailed steps for leading the placements and ignitions. At the end of the class, you will be able to teach in-person, online, or hybrid. 

Prerequisite: 6 months practice at the Reiki II level

Class Time: 9am to 6:30pm for 3 days
Location: Class is offered both online and in-person

Tuition: $1375.00. $325.00 non-refundable deposit. Pay your deposit at least 15 days in advance and save $65. Deposit is transferable twice up to 2 years with the second transfer costing a $50 administrative fee. Class manual, certificate, and a year’s subscription to Reiki News Magazine included. Review a class you have previously taken with Karen for $325.  

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ICRT Animal Reiki Master

Do you feel called to help animals or are already working with animals but want to deepen your skills and techniques? Do you feel called to teach Animal Reiki? Then this course is for you!

The Animal Reiki Master course provides the Animal Reiki energy, as well as the tools and techniques needed to practice, share Reiki with animals, and teach Animal Reiki with skill and expertise. After completion of this course, you will be able to teach Animal Reiki 1 & 2 and Animal Reiki Master classes, both online and in-person.

The Animal Reiki energy is a specific Reiki energy for animals. It empowers the vitality and life force in both animals and people. It unifies the human and animal consciousness in the Reiki practitioner. The Animal Reiki energy and this master class is deeply healing for people as well as animals and helps with grounding, grief, compassion fatigue, and more.
The Master course comes with the comprehensive Animal Reiki Master Manual authored by Colleen Benelli, Sioux Strong, Robyn Benelli, and Pamela Allen-Leblanc with class outlines included.

In this 3-day course, you will:

  • Learn additional skills to help heal and work with animals using Reiki.
  • Receive four ignitions to the Animal Reiki Energy.
  • Receive the symbol for Animal Reiki Energy.
  • Receive experiences and meditations.
  • Be qualified to teach Animal Reiki 1 & 2 and Animal Reiki Master upon completion of the course.

This Master course is a great fit if you want to:

  • Deepen your experience, knowledge, and communion with the animals and the Divine Earth.
  • Learn additional practitioner healing tools and Animal Reiki healing tools, including how to attune animals to Animal Reiki energy.
    Teach Animal Reiki to others.
  • Receive instruction on how to give Placements for Animal Reiki 1 & 2 as well as Animal Master and how to conduct the Experiences and four ignitions for Animal Reiki Master.
  • Have hands-on practice time every day of class.
  • Learn the tools and techniques for creating an Animal Reiki class including online class techniques.

Prerequisites: This class is open to all Reiki lineages and belief systems with animal relationship, but you must have completed Animal Reiki 1 & 2 and human Reiki Master level to register. You must provide a Reiki Master certificate from a reputable course with some real-time interaction with the instructor in-person or through Zoom or the equivalent.

Class Time: 9am to 6pm for 3 days

Location: Class is offered both online and in-person

Tuition: $1375.00. $325.00 non-refundable deposit. Pay your deposit at least 15 days in advance and save $65. Deposit is transferable twice up to 2 years with the second transfer costing a $50 administrative fee. Digital class manual, certificate, and a year’s subscription to Reiki News Magazine included. Review a class you have previously taken with Karen for $325.  

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Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master

Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® is a new form of Reiki introduced by the ICRT. It is both powerful and gentle and provides purification, healing, empowerment and guidance.  Holy Fire energy is noticeably more refined and comes from a higher level of consciousness.

Karuna means, “compassionate action” and the energy heals deeply and gently. This course includes 8 new symbols for healing. Some healing uses of the symbols are: spiritual anesthesia, deep healing, filling up your heart, grounding, divine wisdom, divine power, divine peace, divine action, cellular memory, abuse issues, addictions, relationships, co-dependence, fear, and panic attacks. Develop universal compassion, Earth healing tools, manifesting goals, increased learning ability, creativity, and inner peace. 

In this 3 day intensive, you will:

  • Learn 4 level one symbols, 4 level two symbols, and the Karuna Master symbol. Discuss their uses for a wide variety of healing issues.
  • Practice giving and receiving Karuna using all the symbols.
  • Receive a Holy Love experience.
  • Receive four Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki ® Master ignitions, which upgrade your Reiki energy and provide purification, healing, empowerment, and guidance and connect you directly to Source/God/Holy Spirit. 
  • Begin revealing your Authentic Self and healing your ego. 
  • Heal your dormant and culturally created self. 
  • Learn how to release spirit attachments. 
  • Explore higher levels of consciousness from three through seven. 
  • Learn how to do Holy Fire meditation. 
  • Take your spiritual and healing journey to a new, deeper level.
  • Learn how to teach Karuna as a three day intensive.
  • Learn how to teach all levels of Reiki as Holy Fire® classes. 
  • Chant and tone with Karuna Reiki®, adding vibrational healing to your toolkit.
  • Become a registered Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master with the International Center for Reiki Training.
  • Spend time with dedicated Reiki Masters. 

Add the power of vibrational healing to your sessions by learning how to chant and tone with Holy Fire® Karuna Reiki®. This is a highlight of the class!

This is an exciting workshop with dedicated Reiki Masters who are ready to advance in all areas of their lives! Come network with other Reiki Masters! A certificate and manual is included with in depth descriptions of each symbol and each ignition process. You will also be offered the opportunity to become a “Registered Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master” with The International Center for Reiki Training. You will then be able to use ICRT manuals and your student certificates will come from the ICRT.

Prerequisite:  6 months practice and integration at the Reiki Master level
Class Time:  9am to 6:30pm for 3 days
Location: Class is offered both online and in-person

Tuition: $1375.00.  $325.00 non-refundable deposit. Pay your deposit at least 15 days in advance and save $65. The deposit is transferable twice up to 2 years, with the second transfer costing a $50 administrative fee. Class manual, certificate, and a year’s subscription to Reiki News Magazine included. Review a class you have previously taken with Karen for $325.  

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Reiki Kids / Reiki Teens

Reiki Kids – ages 6-12
Reiki Teen – ages 12-16

In these Reiki classes, children and teens will learn about Reiki, which is natural healing energy, and how to use it for themselves, others, pets, and plants. They will get a children’s or teen’s manual and have fun with subtle energy.

In this class, kids will:

  • Have fun and play with Reiki!
  • Receive the Reiki I Attunement
  • Be able to use Reiki for self and others
  • Have a tool to help themselves and others with stress, anxiety, stomach aches, headaches, and more!
  • Learn about the human energy system
  • Have fun with experiential exercises with Reiki

Facilitators: These Reiki classes will be taught by Karen’s Reiki students at a location of their choice.
Cost: To be determined by the facilitator

Holy Fire® and Karuna Reiki® are registered service marks of William Lee Rand. 

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