Karen Harrison

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Thursday, Jun. 9th 2022

Reiki Classes Forming at Whole Life Center

Reiki classes are forming now, and you don’t want to miss out! The Japanese healing art of Reiki uses energy to heal a person’s body, mind, and spirit of whatever is ailing them. The Whole Life Center of Kansas City offers all levels of classes about energy healing with Reiki, both in person and online. If this is something that interests you, Reiki classes may be for you! 

Reiki classes can help you support and defend yourself and others from the negative energy of the world around you. Stress, anxiety, and depression can overwhelm even the strongest of us at times like this. Reiki classes help teach you how to use energy healing in a positive, reinforced way. Sometimes it’s hard to feel comfortable and at peace in a world that seems full of dangers. Watching the evening news brings stories of disease, violence and poverty that can quickly become overwhelming. Energy healing techniques such as those you will learn in Reiki classes can help you support and defend yourself and others from the negativity and chaos around you.

Reiki practitioners use symbols and other tools to tap into the flow of healing energy during Reiki classes. Energy healing is based on the belief that good health is achieved through maintaining the proper flow and balance of life energies. When we use Reiki to perform energy healing, we access the divine healing energy of God, the Universe or Source, depending upon how you experience it. Students of Reiki classes have reported improvement in their overall mood and physical well-being. Others have found relief from headaches and nausea. Karen Harrison at Whole Life Center offers Reiki classes from beginner to mastery levels. You can register for Reiki classes online as well! Here’s a brief overview of the classes offered:

  • Reiki I and II: taught together during a two-day intensive class. Students receive placements (attunements) to the Reiki I and II energy, allowing them to access greater healing energy. When a student has completed levels I and II and has practiced for six months, he or she becomes eligible to take the Reiki III class.
  • Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki Master: for Reiki students who want to strengthen their healing energy to heal themselves or others. Students in this class will receive and learn Placements and Ignitions, which are a much simpler form of attunements. Upon completion of the Reiki III class, students are considered Reiki Masters and may teach others if they wish.
  • Holy Fire® Karuna : by enrolling in the Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master Class. Karuna means “compassionate action”. This course includes 8 new symbols for healing deeply and gently. Students can also learn how to chant and tone with Holy Fire® Karuna Reiki®, adding a vibrational aspect to their Reiki practice. Upon completing this class, students will be given the opportunity to become a “Registered Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master” with The Center for Reiki Training and gain access to ICRT Karuna manuals and student certificates.
  • ICRT Animal Reiki I & II: The Animal Reiki Course includes the Animal Reiki Placement, which gives the practitioner the ability to channel the Animal Reiki Energy as well as attune and unify the Animal Reiki energy with your existing Reiki energy and symbols. On completion of this 2-day workshop, you will be able to offer Animal Reiki treatments to all species of animals.
  •  ICRT Animal Reiki Master: The Master course comes with the comprehensive Animal Reiki Master Manual authored by Colleen Benelli, Sioux Strong, Robyn Benelli, and Pamela Allen-Leblanc with class outlines included. After completion of this course, you will be able to teach Animal Reiki 1 & 2 and Animal Reiki Master classes, both online and in-person.

Whether you are interested in-person or prefer to learn online, The Whole Life Center of Kansas City has an offering to meet your needs. If you are interested in any of our Reiki classes, please contact Karen Harrison at 816-523-4440 or visit our online form to send us an email requesting more information. Whatever you desire to learn and achieve we look forward to helping guide you. 

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