Karen Harrison

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Thursday, Jan. 11th 2024

What is Reiki Training, and Who Can Learn It?

Reiki training is a form of complementary therapy that originated in Japan. It involves using the practitioner’s hands to channel healing energy into the recipient’s body by touch or intention from a distance. The word “Reiki” is a combination of two Japanese words: “rei,” which means universal, and “ki,” which means life energy or vital force. You also don’t need to have any specific skills to learn Reiki. All you need is a desire to learn it!

In a Reiki training class, you learn how to give Reiki healing energy to others and yourself. Anyone can learn Reiki as it is simple to learn and use. The Japanese technique of Reiki to heal the body, mind, and spirit is a ‘hands-on’ technique when used in person. Or it is directed by the Reiki practitioner at a distance. Reiki practitioners bring healing and balance, drawing on universal lifeforce energy. Energy healing techniques such as those you will learn in Reiki training can help you support and defend yourself and others from the negativity and chaos that consumes the world. Reiki training typically involves a series of classes or levels, each building upon the previous one. The training is passed down from a Reiki master to the student through an attunement/placement, which opens the student’s energy channels and connects them to the universal life force. 

A Reiki Master teaches Reiki courses. Karen Harrison is a Senior Licensed Reiki Master Teacher with the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT) and has trained others in Reiki professionally since 1998. She is also the Co-Director of the Licensed Reiki Master Teacher Training Program with the ICRT. She writes regular articles for the Reiki News Magazine and can give continuing education credits to health professionals. The courses offered are as follows:

  • Beginning Reiki Classes – Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki I and Reiki II. They are taught together during a two-day intensive session. This class is a combination of lectures, experience, and discussion. You’ll receive practice time to use all the techniques as well.
  • ICRT Animal Reiki I & II: a two-day workshop where you will learn to offer Animal Reiki to all species of animals. This energy differs from human Reiki as it includes the Animal Reiki Placement. To take this Reiki class, you must complete level 2 Reiki.
  • USUI/Holy Fire III Reiki Master: This course is intended for Reiki practitioners wanting to strengthen their healing energy. By the end of the 3-day intensive, you can teach Reiki I through Master. This class requires six months of practice at the Reiki II level.
  • ICRT Animal Reiki Master: This 3-day Reiki class provides Animal Reiki energy, plus tools and techniques needed to practice with animals and teach Animal Reiki with skill and expertise. Upon completion of this course, you can teach Animal Reiki I & II and master classes, both in person and online. The prerequisites for this course include completing Animal Reiki 1 and 2 and the human mastery level.
  • Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki Master: This new form of Reiki – both powerful but gentle and providing purification, healing, and guidance- was introduced by the ICRT. Karuna, meaning “compassionate action,” is a profound, peaceful healing energy. You must have six months of practice and integration at the master level.

Reiki is accessible to anyone, and people from various backgrounds can learn and practice it. There are no specific prerequisites for learning Reiki, and individuals with different belief systems and spiritual traditions can incorporate Reiki into their lives. The practice is non-denominational and doesn’t conflict with any religious beliefs. Once you have received Reiki training and can teach, you can teach others how to give Reiki healing energy to people, pets, and other animals. Dogs and cats love receiving Reiki, and many cats give Reiki too! To learn more about Reiki training and the other courses offered at Whole Life Center, visit our website or contact Karen. You can also call (816) 523-4440. With online and in-person classes, we can help you find the resources to achieve balance and well-being as you navigate life. 

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