Karen Harrison

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Thursday, May. 16th 2019

How Energy Healing Benefits Everyday Life

Energy healing is a powerful approach to wellness that can revolutionize your life. Importantly, it can benefit everyone – even pets. Within the Divine Universe, a complex network of energy connects everyone and everything. An invisible current of energy flows through the body, profoundly impacting its systems. It enhances a person’s vast potential for improved health – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. This enables us to live happier, more enriched lives.  

Main Health Benefits of Energy Healing

Everything around us contains energy – even our thoughts. Our thoughts can manifest as a habit, behavior or action. Positive thoughts attribute positive energy. Likewise, negative thoughts result in blockages which leads to imbalance and disconnection. Negative energy keeps us from enjoying optimal health and balance.


Healing energy enables us to live each day with a clearer purpose.

Clearing chakras (energy centers) of blockages can lead to emotional stability. Further, by harnessing this energy, we will feel stronger, more joyful and have clarity of mind. Essentially, the main benefits are that healing energy:
  • Changes Habitual Behavior – We are able to release old, unhealthy behaviors. Lifeforce energy helps release old, habitual thinking and behaviors that prevent us from experiencing abundance in our life.
  • Rejuvenates Health – Serious ailments like cancers and chronic conditions can be treated with Divine Energy, however, we can never guarantee any certain results. It can restore balance to our digestive and circulatory system, repair old muscular and skeletal injuries, and strengthen our immune system.
  • Expands Self Confidence – We can use energy healing to develop a mentality of success, letting go of any feelings of guilt, regret, and fear that has kept us from enjoying peace and joy in our lives. This restores our self-esteem and helps us achieve our goals.
  • Brings Peace of Mind – We all strive for peace of mind and happier lives. When we draw on healing energy, it can help relieve depression, stress, anxiety, and anger. These feelings will be replaced by compassion and understanding, enabling us to move forward toward a more peaceful life.
  • Renews Sense of Purpose – We can achieve an unshakable sense of purpose and meaning. Our natural intuition, through healing energy, will guide and empower our connections to the people in our life.
Anyone can learn how to use energy healing to tap into universal life force energy to bring about optimal health and wellness. The practice of Reiki energy healing is a powerful form of energy healing and it is so versatile it can be used for humans and pets and for many different issues. Whether it is a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual ailment, it can be used for energy blockages of all kinds, including anxiety, depression, cancer, heart disease, diabetes or any other type of imbalance.

Reiki has been life changing for me in many ways including bringing me closer to God, aligning me with my spiritual purpose, giving me many new friends, enhancing my counseling practice, improving my health, and adding to my career through teaching Reiki and providing sessions. I have been abundantly blessed by God through following my spiritual path with Reiki.“ Karen Harrison 

To find out more about energy healing or to schedule a class, contact me today.





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 Kansas City, MO 64114



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