Karen Harrison

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Thursday, Jul. 12th 2018

Energy Healing for Health and Well-being

Reiki energy healing encourages healing of the body and spirit. Drawing on the life force energy received from God, Reiki energy healing is a holistic approach to removing a person’s blocked energy. It brings about relaxation, peace and healing. Reiki energy healing can help you meet the challenges of everyday living and heal all the areas of your life that are preventing you from experiencing complete joy and harmony.

Everything that surrounds us contains energy. Even our thoughts are energy – the more we give thought to something, the more energy we are giving it. Our thoughts can manifest as a habit, behavior or action. If you’ve heard the phrase ‘You are what you think you are’ this makes sense – we create our lives based on what we think. A thought that feeds on consistent negative energy, which is not in alignment with our true essence, can manifest as illness in our physical body. When we think positive thoughts that reflect our divine core, we are directing positive energy, resulting in whole-body health and balance. Positive thoughts bring about a natural flow of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy. Reiki-Energy-Healing-Health-Wellbeing-Karen-Harrison-Whole-life-Center

Reiki energy healing enables the practitioner to transmit subtle energy to a person through their hands, relieving the effects of unreleased stress and restoring balance and vitality. Physical pain and mental imbalance can be greatly reduced or eliminated by this practice. Acupuncture and acupressure, Bio-energy healing, Chakra healing, and Reiki are the preferred methods of many practitioners for healing with Divine Energy.

This type of healing is easy to learn and anyone can do it for powerful, lasting effects. It can only be used for positive purposes, and never for any negative result. Energy healing can help with a wide spectrum of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual ailments, general imbalance, emotional pain and blockages of all kinds, for both animals and humans. This method of healing will help to sustain vitality and contribute to optimal health and wellness.

To find out more about energy healing you may visit us online. To schedule a session call today at 816-523-4440.


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