Karen Harrison

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Wednesday, May. 9th 2018

Reiki on the Road

Reiki on the Road

I love taking Reiki on the Road! It has so many uses – from traveling and teaching Reiki to going to family events, to vacation, and conventions. So far this year I have been to Houston, Dallas, Colby (KS), St. Louis, and Columbia (MO). In a couple days I leave to take William Rand’s Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Master class in Glastonbury, England. After that is Puerto Rico for a counseling convention and then Salt Lake City for a Young Living Oil convention. Whew! That completes through June and then there is Dallas, Omaha, Oklahoma City, and St. Louis later this year for Reiki classes. My daughter is moving to Milan, Italy in June for a year internship so I may go there as well.

Here is how I use Reiki on the road and how you can too!

When I am traveling, I always power up my car with the Reiki Power Symbol and the Holy Fire Symbol. I draw it on each wall, ceiling, and floor and on each wheel before I take off and then I do it again if I encounter high traffic or wild drivers. I send the wild drivers Reiki! It is a great idea to do this each time your car leaves the garage in the morning. Too many of my friends have been rear ended lately and this can be your best prevention!

Before I leave on trips, I send Reiki to the trip for safe and harmonious travel and whatever else I want like fun, abundance, or harmonious connection with family members. When I am traveling on the plane, I imagine the Power and Holy Fire symbol on the four corners of the plane and on the top and bottom. (I’d draw it but passengers might think I am crazy!) I envision the Mental/Emotional symbol over the doorway purifying and clearing passengers’ energy as they come in. If we encounter turbulence, I send Reiki again, envisioning it encompassing the whole plane from the nose back and throw in some prayers! When a passenger sits next to me who has difficult energy, I place the Mental/Emotional symbol between us and send him Reiki. If that isn’t enough, then I imagine a fish net of Power symbols dropping over the person to contain their energy.   

When I attended my daughter’s graduation in Columbia, I sent Reiki to the trip and my time with her. She wrote me a heartfelt letter thanking me for my support over the years.

Think about how you can use Reiki for your travels and your family events this year to create the best summer ever! Reiki is most useful when you use it and I hope I have provided you some ideas. If you are a student of mine, please share on our Facebook groups how you use Reiki on the road. 

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