Karen Harrison

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Thursday, Aug. 24th 2023

Reiki Teacher – What is a Reiki Master?

A Reiki teacher, also known as a Reiki Master, is an individual who has attained the highest level of Reiki training and expertise. As a Reiki Master, you can bring love and light to a world that often feels chaotic and full of darkness. No matter the level of your journey into the Japanese healing art of Reiki – beginner or practicing for years – you can become a Reiki teacher with the help and aid of Karen Harrison. 


Reiki is often divided into three levels or degrees, and the Reiki teacher has completed all three levels, including the Master level. The role of a Reiki teacher is to pass on their knowledge, experience, and attunements to others who wish to learn and practice Reiki. There are several levels of study on your journey to becoming a Reiki Master. A student begins with Reiki I and II, in which you learn how to give yourself and someone else a standard treatment. In Reiki II, you learn how to amplify your healing energy using Reiki symbols. You also experience how to put a whole treatment together, including scanning the body for energy blockages and how to give intuitive treatments guided by your scanning. You will also learn how to send Reiki to world crises and contribute to world peace, essential skills for today’s world! Within six months of practice, you can go onto the next level, Reiki Master. In this course, you receive purification, healing, empowerment, and guidance, and then the empowerments for the master level, which increase your healing power and connection to God/Source. Here’s a brief breakdown of the three primary levels in Reiki and what a Reiki teacher presents in each:

  • · Reiki Level 1:
    • At this level, students are introduced to the basic principles and techniques of Reiki. They learn about the history of Reiki, the concept of life force energy, and how to perform hands-on healing for themselves and others. After completing Level 1, individuals can practice Reiki on themselves and offer it to friends and family.
  • · Reiki Level 2:
    • In the second level, students deepen their understanding of Reiki and receive the sacred symbols associated with this level. These symbols allow them to enhance the flow and focus of Reiki energy, even enabling them to send Reiki energy across distances (distance healing). Students also learn how to address mental and emotional issues with Reiki. After Level 2, practitioners can work as Reiki professionals and offer healing sessions to the public.
  • · Reiki Level 3:
    • The Master level is the highest level of Reiki training. At this stage, individuals become Reiki masters and are qualified to teach and attune others to Reiki. They learn the final Reiki symbols and gain a deeper understanding of the spiritual aspects of Reiki practice. Reiki Masters take on the role of mentors and guides for their students, passing on the knowledge and attunements necessary to become Reiki practitioners or even future Reiki teachers themselves.

When you complete the Reiki Master course, you are a Reiki Master Practitioner. After you have taught one person, you become a Reiki Master Teacher. In teaching Reiki to others, you can experience great joy as you witness the amazement of your students experiencing Reiki for the first time.


Reiki is a spiritual path that connects you to God/Source/Divine and allows you to feel God’s energy for yourself. Through taking the Reiki Master Training course, you are gifted with a way to solve problems and manifest in harmony with God’s will. The mission of Karen Harrison and the Whole Life Center is to empower others to heal on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. If you’d like to learn more or to register for a class, call (816) 523-4440 or see our website.

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