Karen Harrison

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Reiki for an IRS Audit

Reiki for an IRS Audit By Karen Harrison, Professional Licensed Reiki Teacher for ICRT, LPC, LMFT Download Pdf When I opened my mail and saw the IRS wanted to audit my business for two years (2004 and 2005), I was...

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Reiki Aura Clearing and Psychotherapy

By Karen K. Harrison, Ed.S., LPC, LMFT First Published in Reiki News Summer 2003 Download Pdf I am a psychotherapist and Reiki master. I have found Reiki to be a useful adjunct to my counseling practice. It has improved the...

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Abundantly Overflowing: Ways to Manifest

Abundantly Overflowing: Ways to Manifest By Karen K. Harrison First Published in Evolving Magazine November 2011 Download Pdf Abundantly overflowing is my life. Here is a confession: My bookkeeper, who will remain unnamed, rubbed my checkbook over all her chakras...

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Create your Business Identity

 Create Your Business Identity by Colleen Bennelli First Published in Reiki News Magazine Download the Article PDF When you start a professional Reiki practice, you are becoming a self-employed small business owner as well as a spiritual healing practitioner. To...

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Should I Take Reiki?

Should I Take Reiki by Karissa Brenneman, Photo by Colleen Benelli Should I take Reiki? That was the burning question in the back of my mind. Back and forth I went, over and over, should I or shouldn’t I. Ultimately,...

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Reiki Business Practices

Reiki Business Practices by Colleen Benelli and Karen Harrison First Published in Reiki News Magazine, Fall 2015  Download the Article PDF Building a successful Reiki Practice will require the effective use of success consciousness, marketing, technology, business organization and comprehension and self-healing. Equally important will...

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The Future of Reiki with William Rand

William will base his idea about the trend Reiki will take in the future by first describing an evidenced based history of Reiki. This will include a synopsis of how Usui Sensei, Hayashi Sensei, and Takata Sensei practiced and taught...

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Developing Clients and Students for Your Reiki Business Part 1

Part 1: Email Marketing and Reiki Chat BY COLLEEN BENELLI AND KAREN HARRISON Download Pdf CREATING AND NURTURING a meaningful relation- ship with the people who come to us for Reiki sessions and classes is key to the ongoing success...

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Developing Clients and Students for Your Reiki Business Part II

Developing Clients and Students for Your Reiki Business Part II: Social Media and YouTube By Colleen Benelli and Karen Harrison First Published in Reiki News Magazine Winter 2016 Download Pdf IN PART I OF THIS ARTICLE, which appeared in the...

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Lessons from Holy Fire Reiki

Lessons from Holy Fire Reiki By Karen K. Harrison, Ed.S, LCPC, LCMFT, AASECT First Published in Reiki News Magazine Spring 2016 Download HOLY FIRE® REIKI WHISPERED to me and nudged me to invite it into my counseling session with my...

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