Karen Harrison

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Thursday, Nov. 28th 2019

Usui/Holy Fire®Reiki Symbols Classes

The five Reiki symbols used in Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki energy healing are Power, Harmony, Distance, Usui Master, and Holy Fire. Referred to by its intention, each symbolic name represents its purpose. Students in a Reiki class are given the Power, Harmony and Distance symbols, and receive Empowerment to the symbols through Placement.

Using these Reiki symbols as a visual focus, students are able to connect the innate energy that is within us all to the most powerful Divine energy, which expands and begins to flow through the body, soul, and spirit. When using Reiki symbols, a person’s higher consciousness responds by altering and directing the way life force energy flows.

Reiki Symbols: What They Mean

With the exception of the Holy Fire symbol, the Japanese names of the Reiki symbols, or kotodama – which means “the secret power of words” – can be used. The kotodama are secret to indicate respect for the symbol.

  • The Power symbol enhances the power of the Reiki practitioner’s healing energy and provides protection. The Power symbol can be used to clear and increase energy in a person’s home or office. 
  • The Harmony (Mental/Emotional) symbol is for healing emotions and thoughts of all kinds, such as fear, anxiety, grief, and sadness. Empaths use the Harmony symbol as a shield to catch emotional energy coming their way from others to diffuse it.
  • The Distance Healing symbol is used by the practitioner to send Reiki healing energy to anyone at any time. It connects persons across space and time to resolve past and future issues. The Distance symbol works best when intended “for the highest good of all concerned.”
  • The Usui Master symbol represents Enlightenment; it is representative of everything that is Reiki and used only by Reiki Masters. This symbol provides very powerful grounded energy and is used to ‘heal the healers.’ It empowers the Power, Harmony, and Distance symbols. The Master symbol helps to develop and strengthen a person’s self-awareness, personal growth, spiritual development, and intuition.
  • The Holy Fire symbol is the most powerful of all the Reiki symbols. The four qualities of the Holy Fire energy are purification, healing, empowerment, and guidance. It represents the Holy Spirit and one’s connection to God. The Holy Fire symbol can burn up negative energy, release malefic entities, and promote healing of the body, mind, and emotions. Holy Fire empowers by giving vitality, confidence, safety, peace, and a feeling of being loved. When combined with the Distance symbol, the Harmony symbol can be used for spiritual healing, healing of past traumas, addictions, sleep problems and learning abilities. 

Reiki Classes 

Reiki I and II classes are taught together over two days in an intensive, loving, sacred way. Students will receive placements, which allow access to greater healing and will learn how to use Reiki for themselves, their loved ones and even their pets.

In my Reiki symbols classes, you will learn how to use healing energy for yourself and others. You will learn how this powerful approach to wellness can benefit everyone. You will understand how an invisible current of energy flows through our bodies, profoundly impacting its systems. Reiki energy healing enhances a person’s vast potential for improved health – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. 




8301 State Line, Suite 202, Kansas City, MO 64114. 



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