Karen Harrison

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Friday, Mar. 15th 2019

Spiritual Healing, Reiki Symbols and Reiki Classes

Spiritual healing with Reiki can be described as a hands-on type of therapy – or ‘the laying on of hands’, to clear energy blockages caused by lower vibrational energies that attach to a person. It is the physical act of the practitioner placing their hands lightly on, or hovering just above, the body to facilitate the body’s healing process.

Reiki Belief

At its most basic, the Reiki concept is that disease is caused by imbalances of vital energy in the body. Energy blockages can manifest into anxiety, depression, cancer, heart disease, diabetes and many other types of imbalance. Spiritual healing corrects these imbalances, promoting healing and rejuvenation

Reiki Symbols

Reiki symbols are sacred symbols referred to by their intention. Each symbolic name represents its purpose in the practice of Reiki, which means “spiritually guided life force energy.” This energy that comes from God, Creator, the Universe, flows from the practitioner’s hands into a person’s body. The cells of the body absorb this life force energy and are recharged. It blesses the person with mental, emotional, physical and spiritual healing.

Practitioners use sacred Reiki symbols as a way of enabling a person to connect to stronger energy and to embody spirituality. Each symbolic name represents its purpose. The five Reiki symbols used in Usui/Holy Fire Reiki are Power, Harmony, Distance, Usui Master and Holy Fire symbol. Whenever Reiki symbols are used, a person’s higher consciousness responds by altering and directing the way life force energy flows. 

Reiki Energy

With Usui/Holy Fire Reiki, which is my lineage, we call on God, Holy Spirit, and Jesus. Reiki as a form of spiritual healing is open to people of all faiths or no particular faith tradition as it spiritual rather than religious. God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit existed before religion and don’t belong to any one religion. We are accessing these powerful energies for spiritual healing.

The Reiki practitioner sets aside their personality and ego to become a clear, open channel for only the highest and holiest Reiki energy. The person receiving the healing energy agrees to release the unwanted energy and accept the spiritual healing energy. It is also possible to treat patients without being anywhere near them — this is known as “distance healing.” Reiki energy works equally well at a distance as in person. 

Through hands-on application, the practice of Reiki can be used for many conditions – physical, emotional, mental or spiritual ailments – all respond well to Reiki spiritual healing.

Other Benefits

In addition to spiritual healing, the consistent practice of Reiki has other benefits such as improved breathing, decreased stress levels and increased circulation. It strengthens a person’s immune system and improves concentration. It can also be used to detoxify a person’s body of impurities. It is used to relax the body and calm the mind.

Everything that surrounds us contains energy – even our thoughts. The more we think about something, the more energy we give it. These thoughts can manifest as a habit, behavior or action. Negative thoughts feed on negative energy that often manifests as physical illness. Positive thoughts that reflect our divine core directs positive energy and can result in better health and spiritual balance. Our positive thoughts encourage the natural flow of healing energy.

Once we understand that life force flows through everything and everyone, we realize that our actions carry consequences that affect and change the universe. When we see how our behavior affects those around us, it can inspire us to become better people.

To review previous articles about Reiki spiritual healing click on the following links.

Sacred Reiki Symbols Empower Spirituality & Healing 

Spiritual Healing With Reiki Draws On Life Force Energy

Spiritual Healing – Reiki Energy

When we receive spiritual healing, we become more fulfilled spiritually and mentally and allow healing energy that comes from God to remove blockages and heal our whole selves. To learn more about spiritual healing with Reiki visit us ONLINE.




Kansas City, Missouri





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